Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hurray! When the Chips are Down, I Managed my Cookies!

I'm back, after a few frustrating days of not being able to sign in and making one post from a friend's computer. It was a cookie problem, apparently, and now, I'm not quite sure what I did to fix it, but things are in working order again.

Today's thought: what's a suitable subject for a poem? The eternal question that faces poets on a daily basis. Anything, really. Anything large and deep, frustating, unfair, good, evil, great . . . anything. There are thousands, maybe millions of poems about these things.

At the other end of the scale, is there anything too small to be the subject of a poem? A speck of dust? A flea? A noiseless patient spider? A piece of gum that sticks to the bottom of your shoe on a hot day?

I haven't really researched the speck of dust or the piece of gum, but the flea and the noiseless patient spider have certaintly been the subject of poems, and famous poems, at that!

Here's today's challenge: choose something small, even very small, and write a poem about it. Maybe it will be a small poem--that's okay. But use powerful words, compact them, make them ring and make them sing!

Post yours as a comment to this blog post, and I'll post mine . . . as soon as I've written it.

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