Sunday, March 6, 2011

Letter-Writing - Revive the Art!

It's a northern night. It's very dark as the moon has already set. It's very cold-- it's -19 C but headed for -24 C overnight. It's a perfect night for writing a letter!

Letter writing--actually taking a piece of paper or a card and using a pen or other writing implement to make some marks on it--is a bit out of style, having been overtaken in speed and ease by electronic means, but writing by hand has several advantages.

First, there is the element of surprise when the recipient opens the mailbox and finds, like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, the envelope from you buried beneath bills, bank statements, and grocery store flyers. Oh, the delight of it all!

In addition, there's a sense of accomplishment. You've done something that people have been doing for at least two thousand years--using the postal system to carry a missive to a loved one, a friend, a relative. Did you know that the Romans had a very efficient mail system in which a letter could go from Rome to the outposts of civilization, say in Spain or Gaul, in less than two weeks? Canada Post could perhaps take a page from their book! So you're carrying on a long tradition when you affix that stamp and drop your letter into the mail box.

Finally, letter writing is a fantastic way to get the creative juices flowing. It's a way to rev up your writing engine. Take time to think. Take care with what you say. Pour out your thoughts and your heart.

I don't often get such letters, but I hope that someone you know sends you one once in a while. Read it, tuck it into a box or a drawer, and years from now, you'll be able to pull it out, and with it, the fond memories that it brings.

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